To protect the natural persons right of privacy is an important task of civil legislation in China. 保护自然人的隐私权是我国民事立法的一项重要任务。
In civil law theory, civil legislation and civil judicial practice, joint obligation and joint liability are often hard to distinguish from each other. 摘要在民法理论、民事立法和民事司法实际工作中,连带债务和连带责任往往被混为一谈。
In fact, expectancy right is an independent civil right with right value, economical value and honesty value and it should also be regulated by civil legislation. 事实上期待权是一项具有权利价值、经济价值和诚信价值的独立民事权利,也应通过民事立法加以规范的权利。
Whether or not the theory of real right act is acknowledged by civil legislation and judicature in china? 我国现行民事立法、司法是否承认物权行为理论?
It is the tradition of Russian civil legislation to incorporate intellectual property law into civil code with a view to unifying provisions. 将知识产权法纳入民法典中统一规定是俄罗斯民事立法的传统。
However, because of defects of civil legislation and the shortage of civil law culture, serious misunderstanding and abuse of civil joint liability still exist whether in theory or practice. 但在我国,由于民事立法缺陷及民法文化的缺失,无论是理论上还是实践中对民事连带责任都存在重大误解与滥用的情形。
WTO Impacts on China's Civil Legislation WTO给我国民事立法带来的影响
Making the law of real right is, under the current circumstances of the market-oriented economy, one of the most important steps in civil legislation in China. 在市场经济条件下制定物权法,完善民事立法,对我国法制建设和经济发展产生了巨大意义和作用。
As one of the earliest corporate laws in our country, the Company Act of the Qing Dynasty holds a notable position in the history of civil legislation in China and has exerted far-reaching influence on the evolution of Chinese corporate system. 清《公司律》是我国最早的公司立法之一,在我国民事立法史上占有重要的地位,对我国公司制度的演变与发展有着深远的影响。
In order to solve these two problems, on the legislative idea level, we should strengthen harmony idea, in time idea and globalization idea of the civil legislation; 为了解决这两个关键问题,在立法理念上,我们应当加强民事立法的协调性理念、及时性理念以及全球化理念;
Since the German Civil Code promulgated, many countries have accepted the discrimination theory of Real right and the Creditor's rights in their civil legislations. Our traditional civil legislation and fundamental research also support this theory. 自德国民法典颁布以来,许多国家的民事立法都接受了物权与债权的区分理论,我国的传统民事立法和理论研究也一直是该区分理论的赞成者。
Part II, on the procuratorial supervision system in the civil legislation, concepts and practice problems and the problems of a theoretical discriminate. 第二部分,阐述了民事诉讼检察监督制度在立法上、观念上和实践中存在的问题,并对存在的问题进行了理论辨析。
The civil law basic principle are the basic criterion of civil legislation, civil judicial and the civic action, it is the topmost value criterion and the spirit essence in the civil law, constituted the civil law ethics foundation. 民法基本原则是民事立法、民事司法与民事活动的基本准则,是民法中最高层次的价值准则,其构成了民法的伦理基础,是民法精神实质所在。
In the legislative way, we should fully realize the importance of the experts, establish expert's leading factor status in the civil legislation. 在立法方式上,我们应当充分认识到专家在民事立法中的重要性地位,改变以往官员立法的传统,确立专家在民事立法中的主导性地位。
Punitive Damage is a new topic of civil legislation and civil law study in our country. 惩罚性损害赔偿是我国民事立法和民法学研究的一项新课题。
The mediation principle established by our civil procedure law is the special principle in our civil legislation. 我国民事诉讼法所确立的调解原则是我国民事立法所特有的原则。
Consulting foreign civil legislation and combining native judicial practice, the system of testament execution should be amended and perfected on the aspects, which are the fashion of executor's production, the qualification of the executors and the responsibilities of the executors. 借鉴外国民事立法,结合我国司法实践,遗嘱执行制度应在遗嘱执行人的产生方式、遗嘱执行人资格、遗嘱执行人的职责作等方面进行修正和完善。
Our countries 'civil legislation should continue it and bring forth new ideals in the course of discrimination. 我国民事立法应在鉴别的基础上,既有延续,又有创新与突破。
But after the establishment of the new China, the civil legislation abandoned the first occupying for the system. 但新中国建立后的民事立法方面却摒弃了先占取得制度。
Therefore, in order to ensure to fairly deal with cases of arbitration, national arbitration legislation and civil legislation, all have the system of judicial supervision of arbitral awards. 因此,为了保证仲裁能公正处理案件,各国在仲裁立法和民事诉讼立法中都对仲裁裁决司法监督制度做出了相应的规定。
In view of this, this paper insisted that our civil legislation in stolen goods should be established the bona fide acquisition system to adapt to the reality of development. 鉴于此,本文坚持认为我国民事立法中应当确立赃物善意取得制度以适应现实发展的需要。
However, to solve the problem of rural collective land, they had to study rural land property rights system, which is the current civil legislation of the most sensitive and involves the most extensive of the issues. 要解决好农村土地问题,就不得不研究我国农村的土地产权制度,这一制度是当前民事立法中最为敏感、涉及面最广、难度极大的问题之一。
Is there any theoretical foundation and practical meaning in listing the right of personal liberty in civil legislation? 在民事立法中设立人身自由权有何理论根据和现实意义。
In our jurisprudence, the study of private relief is relatively weak as well as in civil legislation, just states self-defense, no mention of self-service system of behavior. 在我国法学界,理论上对私力救济的研究相对薄弱,并且在民事立法上也未受到应有的重视,立法只规定了自卫行为,对自助行为制度却是只字未提。
Later, the National Government civil legislation inherited the interim of the draft decision on the system requirements. 后来的国民政府民事诉讼立法继承了该草案有关中间判决制度的规定。
In this chapter the discussion is foundation for the enlightenment for the civil legislation of our country in the future. 在本章,笔者将把前面几章的论述结论作为基础,分析无因性理论对于我国未来民事立法的启示。
In the field of civil legislation, the litigious rights of the parties and the court jurisdiction are the two cornerstones of the litigation. Specific litigation activities need interaction of them. 在民事诉讼领域中,法院的审判权与当事人的诉权是诉讼的两大基石,具体的诉讼活动是通过法官的审判权与当事人诉讼权利的互动进行的。
Either political legislation, or civil legislation, they same make known and record economic relationship. 无论是政治的立法,还是市民的立法,都是表明和记载了经济关系的要求而已。
These factors together cause the especial attention on synthesis and induction of the forms of tort liability in civil legislation. It seems that enough forms of tort liability can really attach importance to rights. 这些因素在一起就促成了我国民事立法在侵权责任方式方面,特别重视综合与归纳,似乎只有明确足够多的侵权责任形式才是对权利的真正重视。
Faced with such an appeal, Chinese civil legislation fails to give a good response. 面对这种诉求,我们的民事立法却末能给予良好回应。